
Thursday, November 12, 2009

This time I have to write about seasons. It`s easier to me to write about each one of them.

My favourite season! . I really like warm light days, going to the pool, staying out until night without being cold. Also It`s time to celebrate, xmas, new year and my birthday are on summer. And of course, it`s vacation time!!!.
But sometimes, hot days could be really annoying if you don`t have a way to have fun. Being at home all day with 30º it`s awful. It`s so much better to go out to drink something or a day out in the pool.
When I was a child, my mother and father got a really really small pool for me and my sister. Every day in summer we had fun there.

I don`t like it as summer, but it`s also fun. I love flowers and fluffs that come out the trees, even though everybody hate them. I don`t like weird weather, one day is raining and the next one is sunny.
The most terrible month is always on spring. It`s the one that I have to study a lot and get stressed, Octover or November. I also started my relationship with my boyfriend in september, so we celebrate and remember that day.

I hate it. I have the worst memories. When I was like 13 years old, I helped my aunt with the cleaning of her field. So I had to sweep the leaves of the grass. It was a huge place and I used to get so tired.

I also hate it. I hate rain, feeling frozen, wearing big coats and having a cold. But a hot coffee and nice company can save my day. I`ll always remember my last winter, because I went to the south and It was snowing. I used to spend my time playing videogames, eating empanadas and playing out with snow. I had so much fun!!!!

2 comentarios:

Mabel González said...

I also like summer, it's in fact my favorite season. sun, sand and sea! love it!


Sofía said...

I think there's always something special in each season....but I agree in many things with you! A nice starbucks cofee can save a grey winter day, can't it? :)


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